in memoriam

In Memoriam - 2017

The Port Authority Retirees Association, Inc. (PARA) would like to recognize our former colleagues who have died, listed below, for their service and friendship over the years. We thank their families for allowing us a glimpse into their lives, and for the opportunity to honor them on these pages.

These obituaries are not comprehensive. They reflect notifications to PARA by the deceased’s family, friends and/or colleagues. If you have an obituary you would like to submit, please help us by including the deceased’s date of retirement, primary or last department/area where the deceased worked, length of service, any personal details typical of an obituary, and any direction for their remembrance. Submit this information by going to the Contact Us page and selecting "In Memoriam" in the Topics field.


Name Date of Retirement Date of Death Position
Susan Marie Suros 9/1/2007 12/31/2017  
Efrain R. Gonzalez 1/30/2010 12/15/2017 JFK
Kenneth R. Vitty 8/16/1991 12/15/2017 Police Detective
Thomas M. Stallard 3/7/1998 12/13/2017 Police Detective
George P. Kriss 10/23/2006 12/13/2017 Mechanic - EWR
Howard J. Kurr "Howie" 9/26/1992 12/7/2017 Automotive Forman
Louis J. La Capra 7/7/2012 11/29/2017 Chief Administrative Officer
William C. Hamilton 7/22/1978 11/27/2017 Police Detective
Douglas Weir 12/31/2002 11/23/2017 Engineer
Walter H. Schneider, Sr. 12/31/2002 11/22/2017 Watch Engineer
Daniel John Bergin 10/28/1998 11/19/2017 Police Officer
Lucille (DeNicola) Landrigan 1990 11/15/2017 Legal Secretary
Joseph Louis Vanacore 5/16/1992 11/6/2017 Assist. Exec. Director Port Authority
Glenn George Whyte 6/30/2004 11/6/2017 Senior Engineering Survey Supervisor
Mauro Cimillo 2007 11/4/2017 Track Inspector - PATH
Matthew R. Kiernan   11/2/2017 Tower Operator PATH
Michael McKee 3/22/1986 10/19/2017 Engineer
Warren E. Witham 10/31/2014 10/19/2017 Mechanic
Pasqualino 'Pat' Rizzo 9/15/2010 10/13/2017 Structural Mechanic - SEMAC
Louis Schuman Jr. 1/9/1996 10/2/2017 Police Detective CIB
Frank Schink 3/4/1989 9/21/2017 Senior Engineer
Fred P. Plate 5/7/1972 9/7/2017 Police Officer
Cosmo (Gus) R. DeMonico 5/7/1994 8/31/2017 Police Detective
James H. Irwin 1/24/1987 8/29/2017 Electrical Engineer
Louis Cerulli 9/3/1987
(date of hire)
8/25/2017 Maintenance Group Supervisor - JFK
Jamie A. Ward-Guinee   8/15/2017 Daughter of Retired LT. Kevin Ward
Anthony Layne 6/1/1987
(date of hire)
8/6/2017 Assistant Chief Operations Supervisor - JFK
Keith Desmond 6/9/2003
(date of hire)
8/7/2017 Auto Parts Technician - LGA
Walter Thomas Toews 9/17/2010 8/7/2017  
Thomas K. Lapinski 1/9/1982 8/3/2017 Police Detective
Robert F. Asplund 11/1/1980 7/31/2017 Police Officer
Mark J. Meier 7/31/2003 7/31/2017 Police Officer
Walter Robert (Bob) O'Connor 5/13/1971 7/14/2017 Police Captain - JFK
Francis (Frank) P. Burns 3/19/1972 6/29/2017 Police Officer
William (Peter) H.J. Yerkes 12/1/2002 6/25/2017 Assistant Director, Media Relations
Owen Michael Koehler   6/22/2017 Son of Police Officer Michael Koehler, EWR Airport Rescue
James W. Kennelly   6/17/2017 Police Officer (9/11 hero)
Stephen T. Ruppert 6/27/2015 6/14/2017 Auto Mechanic
Phillip Leonard 6/20/1971 6/9/2017 Police Officer - LGA
Iris Berman   5/28/2017 Project Manager
Bertrand A Drakes 4/12/2014 5/21/2017 Talent Management Executive
James Joseph Browne 2/17/1990 5/12/2017 Maintenance Supervisor - HT
Jacob B. (Jack) Karbiner 12/1/1999 5/11/2017 Engineer (Mechanical) - Engineering
William T. Salvatori 2/9/2010 5/1/2017 Senior Tunnel & Bridge Agent
Francis X. Schmittler 6/27/1987 4/30/2017 General Maintenance Supervisor
Gregory Hegmann 8/21/2009 4/20/2017 Maintenance Group Supervisor - JFK
Richard P. "Ricky" Donovan   4/18/2017 Utility Systems Maintainer - EWR
Patricia J. "Pat" Maynard 12/31/1996 4/16/2017 State Legislative Representative
Terence J. Dolan 3/27/1993 4/16/2017 Police Officer
Angelo J. Fiore 1/16/1993 4/16/2017 Police Captain
Paul E. Lier 1/14/1984 4/8/2017 Automotive Maintenance Specialist - GSD
Charles Salerno 12/30/1996 4/6/2017 Operations Supervisor - LGA
Lazaro P. Pino 3/28/1992 4/2/2017  
Jose Miguel Serrano 5/25/1991 3/29/2017 Police Officer
John J. Reinke, Sr. 1/11/1997 3/26/2017 Police Captain - Port Newark
Richard J. Javurek 4/28/1990 3/26/2017 Staff Services Architect - Engineering
Edwin J. McIntosh 12/28/2002 3/16/2017 General Maintainer - SIB
Harro Ehrenbeck   3/2/2017 Engineering
Patrick Joseph Maglio 12/30/1998 2/16/2017 Construction Inspector - Engineering
William J. Cox 1/2/1982 2/8/2017 Deputy Inspector - PAPD
Gerard C. Harris 7/18/2012 2/1/2017 Police Officer - LGA
William R. Jones, Sr. 3/5/1979
(date of hire)
2/1/2017 Supervisor, Mail & Delivery - GSD
Louis M. Norcia 8/12/1995 1/31/2017 WTD
Neal R. Montanus 6/11/1983 1/26/2017 Director - Aviation
Caren Sue Franzini     Worked in the CFO's Office before becoming the CEO of the NJEDA
Charles T. Ness 12/21/2002 1/24/2017  
Henry G. Howie 8/31/1995 1/18/2017 Engineer of Construction - Engineering
Peter A. Heller 2/3/1993 1/11/2017 Police Officer - GWB
Joseph Insalaco 5/25/1974 1/4/2017 Police Officer
Eva Rose Wojcik 6/2/1990 1/1/2017 Executive Secretary - WTC